Art is a vehicle of acceptance of great ideas in other fields. The digital artwork represents a unique collection of original discoveries in physics by the author / artist, based on published (STEM) research spanning more than two decades.

1.  T H E  S E C R E T  L I F E  O F  Q U A R K S

The Universe's spontaneous self-creation flows on endlessly, is mysterious and boundless and is represented by the Trefoil knot. Only through a tangential interaction with an energy field, the creative potential becomes experiential - the Unknown becomes known. The cycle of creation now appears to be bound by a powerful nuclear force moving through time and space. The inward and outward phases of the energy wave are color coded, and where the different "color charges" pop in and out of existence, massive particles are found, the quarks. Due to the threefold bearing of the Field, the quarks in the nucleus always appear as triplets and cannot be separated. The particles and interactions are identical to the Standard Model of physics, but the original state is not adequately known in physics today. The color coding is well known to physicists: Yellow+Magenta=Red, Cyan+Yellow=Green, Magenta+Cyan=Blue.

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Original resolution HD: 1280 x 720

Trefoil (with coupling nodes)


Strong Nuclear Force

2.  " R A I N B O W  W E A V E R " :  D I S C O V E R  T H E  G E O M E T R I C   O R I G I N  O F  C O L O R

The distinct pattern of the primary colors in the visible spectrum, which every child can see but no physicist can detect, is precisely predicted by the cardinal angles through which our connection with the hidden symmetry of the universe is most perfectly aligned. The geometries of the hidden (unconditional, non-local, universal) and visible (conditional, finite, personal) creation spaces, each time they align, are found to accurately map the wavelength of one of the primary colors, thus proving their existence based on clear and direct evidence. It is truly the geometry of creation in plain sight!

As the geometry evolves the cardinal rotations, the viewer's (camera-) position pans around, keeping track of the color indicator.

The Rainbow Weaver is planned to be built as a life size, interactive Art, Science & Edu Installation, to be placed at an international top location.

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Original resolution Full HD: 1024 x 1024

3.  " R A I N B O W  W E A V E R " :  C L O S E U P  A N D  D E T A I L S

A closer look at the scale of exact color angles.

Switch on the sound

Original resolution Full HD: 1024 x 1024

4.  " R A I N B O W  W E A V E R " :  O R I G I N A L  C O N C E P T  V I D E O  ( 2 0 1 7 )

The geometry of color is explained in more detail in the original concept video.

5.  T H E  S O U N D  O F  C R E A T I O N  # 1

The Universe materializes like a turbulent river flowing out in the ocean of spacetime, creating whirlpools and vortices everywhere. The internal spin of the creative process however is a single universal resonance of ONE becoming many, or INFINITE becoming finite, known as the bifurcation. Similarly, each distinct pair of resonances in the human voice, called "formants", creates a distinct vowel, their frequencies having a certain ratio and absolute value. The basic resonance has a ratio of 1:2. The formant pair around resp. 1300 and 2600 Hz sounds like "A" (as in "spa"), higher up the scale the sound transitions toward "U" (as in "boot"). Still higher, the vowel becomes indistinct, like the nasal, lips closed consonant "M". Thus the bifurcative, 1:2 spin ratio sound through scales is "A-U-M". This is the Sound of Creation, internally heard by Yogis and mystics since ancient times. The models demonstrate the Sound of Creation projected onto a torus (mathematically, a Clifford torus) mapping the resonant energy flow in spacetime, also forming the "spinor" of the quantum world. Indeed, "AUM" is the spin of the Universe, harmonically steering the creation through scales.

Switch on the sound

Original resolution HD: 1280 x 720

6.  T H E  S O U N D  O F  C R E A T I O N  # 2

Switch on the sound

Original resolution HD: 1280 x 720

O T H E R   P R O J E C T S   N O N   S C I E N C E

© All rights reserved, Frank van den Bovenkamp / TGMResearch, 2021